domingo, 20 de novembro de 2016

Now everything I say sounds wrong
I don't know what i did
i used to feel so strong

now i can't even lift my lid
the lies the i would live
if i possessed the power
the future's in our midst
as hell begins to flower

and before long i'll be spent
these lies will slip away
none of this is what i meant
i'd die for yesterday

where does your mind go when your not using it?
now you're suffering in silence, and it's just not happening
you're too cool or you're too eager to just be left alone
you better melt into the moment before you turn to stone

now everything i say is stupid
i can't think what i feel
and though i look upon you
i just can't close the deal
and before long i'll be spent
these lies will slip away
none of this is what i meant
i'd die for yesterday
where does your mind go

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

It's one of the biggest problems I'm struggling with. 
How to motivate yourself when even the things you used to like don't bother you anymore? 
When there are no things to look forward to and nothing that interests you anymore? 
When doing nothing seems better than the alternative, but at the same time doesn't seem better at all? When every little bit of effort makes you feel stressed out and exhausted to the point of giving up?
I wish I had a clue. 
I keep searching in hope of finding some answers but I'm not too optimistic. 
Even advice that is supposed to motivate tend to have the opposite effect on me. 
But perhaps this is how life is supposed to be. 
I certainly wouldn't hope so because that would mean that life is just suffering to me. 
Something which I could never accept of course. 
I hope you can find the answers you're looking for.

sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2016

Será que existe alguma fórmula para o desequilíbrio da rotina
Porque não me lembro da última vez que me senti equilibrada novamente.
Estou estragada, e não há arranjo possível.